Bonus Plugins
Bonus Plugins were created to enhance and support development of games or apps using the Firebase Plugins for Construct 3. These plugins are freely available for everyone.
Usage Objective
This was built to provide a way to copy User Account Keys directly so that they can share their User Key with ease to add game friends.
However, the Copyclip plugin can be used for other purposes too.
QR Code
Usage Objective
This plugin can be used with the Firebase plugins to Sign In on multiple devices by just Scanning QR Codes (like Discord or Whatsapp does on it's web service)
Remote Image
Usage Objective
This plugin is built for use in multiplayer apps/games where each user have different profile images. You can Pick an instance by its IID, and then change its image.
(This was specifically built for the Firebase Chat and Social app Demo. Try Demo here)
Cloudflare Trace
Usage Objective
This plugin can be used with the Firebase plugins to run a server time for timed events.
Also can be used with to get data about user's country phone code and country flag to be used with Firebase Authentication Plugins for Phone OTP Sign In.
Eruda Console
Usage Objective
This plugin was built with the objective of Debugging Firebase Projects in Mobile Export.